
Is the Lorentz transformation one of the key factors for unsolvable elements in elementary physics?

Initial situation Albert Einstein postulates that every object that is currently not experiencing any acceleration can be viewed as stationary. From this still view, objects in the environment move in relation to this object. The speed of other objects is calculated using the Lorentz transformation. A relevant example Objects moving at speeds below 1% of light speed (below 3'000 km/s) only get slightly modified by the Lorentz transformation. Therefore I choose for this reflections neutrinos that get emitted by stars and move at 99.99% the speed of light away from their stars. Neutrinos emitted by stars From the point of view of an observer, the sun is approximately stationary and the emitted neutrino is moving. Proxima Centauri is 4.2 light years away. Neutrino 1 , moving at 99.99% the speed of light, will reach Proxima Centauri in  =  4.2004 years. Transformation The Lorentz transformation ensures that no object moves faster than light, neither by itself nor in relat...

Presumed observation error in the Michelson Morley experiment


The Lorentz transformation for star/neutrino movements

If one applies the Lorentz transformation on the following set-up, the results turn out to be very peculiar. Two stars emit neutrinos, e.g. the sun (-> neutrino 1) and Proxima Centauri (-> neutrino 2). We observe these neutrinos, both of which are moving away from their star at 99.99% the speed of light. They maintain their speed as they approach each other. The two neutrinos do not experience any acceleration on their way through space. According to Einstein's theory of relativity: Each can be viewed as resting. The objects in their environment can be calculated as moving relative to them. In order to put this consideration into a real framework without an object exceeding the speed of light, according to Einstein's theory of relativity, the speed of other objects is recalculated using the Lorentz transformation, according to the principle and the formula Consideration of the situation from the "resting view" of Neutrino 2,  one light minute before Neutrino 2 h...

Mathematische Analyse und Widerlegung der Lorentztransformation als valider Bestandteil der speziellen Relativitätstheorie

Update vom 29.1.2024 Analyse der Lorentztransformation in Mehrkörper-Systemen, Teil 1 1 Abstrakt Die Lorentztransformation und das Relativitätsprinzip wurden zu einem Zeitpunkt eingeführt, wo einzig die Höchstgeschwindigkeit c von elektromagnetischen Wellen bekannt war. Beim heutigen Wissensstand, insbesondere auch bezüglich der Geschwindigkeiten von Neutrinos (ca. 0.9999c), gilt es die Gültigkeit der Berechnungen der Speziellen Relativitätstheorie bezüglich schneller materieller Objekte zu überprüfen. Dem Autor ist nicht bekannt, ob für Mehrkörpersysteme jemals eine ganzheitliche Überprüfung der Ergebnisse der Lorentztransformation vorgenommen wurde. Im Gegensatz zur üblichen Betrachtung der Bewegungs- und Geschwindigkeitsrelativität von nur 2 Objekten wird ein Ereignis mit 4 Objekten auf Realitätskonsistenz überprüft. Allfällige Realitätsbrüche innerhalb der Speziellen Relativität müssten schon in den Grundlagen feststellbar...

thought experiment questioning the relativity / finity of light speed

Below my original post from end of July 2020. I could simply not answer what reality Einstein's theory of relativity creates. From which angle ever I looked at it, it lead to unsolvable contradictions. Not finding anyone to be able to answer the situation below, I started to calculate and mainly to to find a situation that is illustrative. This first lead to clarity 2 weeks later, with the LHC - two Proton calculation .  This presentation didn't seem to convince neither experts nor laymen. Therefore I changed the examination set-up and chose a most simple straight moving three-body system with the highest possible and different speeds: a star and two neutrinos , one neutrino flying away from the star, one neutrino flying towards the star.